vrijdag 10 februari 2012

The Artists: Daan Samson

Art Babes series of Jeronimus van Pelt and Daan Samson 2011

Daan Samson, a “prosperity artist” and guru of shameless self-promotion(blog category usually reserved solely for our own production) never ceases to entertain and to astonish. The idea for his latest project was born out of intense intellectual & creative struggle… and some urgent material needs. In order to pimp up his Rotterdam HQ, Daan approached numerous producers of luxury domestic appliances, finding plenty who were willing to make sacrifices for the benefit of the arts, the economy and the artist’s personal welfare.
And so the Parade of Exchange and Gain, with plenty of desirable lifestyle goods (including enormous leaf blowers, sleek red kitchen, sexy fitness equipment or bright winter-sport roof cases) will proceed this Saturday through the Dutch city of Groningen, starting @ 5pm in the city centre and following the attached itinerary. After the parade and a short exhibition, all luxury items will find a permanent place within the artist’s residence in Rotterdam.

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